Virtual Lab Tours of Dabney Hall Research and Teaching Space
Dabney Hall is a nine-story building that houses classrooms and lab space for courses in chemistry, statistics and physics. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became challenging for prospective undergraduate researchers to tour the Dabney Hall teaching and research space in order to make informed decisions about which Principal Investigator’s lab they might wish to join for independent research projects in honors chemistry research or research internships. A virtual tour option of the research and teaching space would provide students with improved visual resources to identify the lab that best matched their research interests, intended graduate study focus, or intended job in industry. To turn this idea into reality, Professor Reza Ghiladi in the Department of Chemistry turned to DELTA and the new Virtual Tours Express Grant.
Instructional Challenges
- Develop a virtual lab tour for prospective undergraduate researchers using the Matterport platform at NC State
- Offer and an immersive experience that students can explore from anywhere.
- Create an evergreen tool for recruitment and information purposes to showcase on the Chemistry Department website.
- Provides undergraduate researchers with a list of equipment available to be trained on, annotated with information on which companies in the region are looking for that type of trained researcher.
- Shares information about which national graduate programs have accepted previous undergraduate students based on their training in that lab.
- Lives on the department website as a tool for use in graduate student recruitment.
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For more information about DELTA services, please contact LearnTech.