HESS 245: Enhancing the Interactive Learning Experience in Golf
HESS 245: Golf provides introductory golf instruction including full swing fundamentals, chipping, pitching and putting fundamentals, rules and etiquette on the golf course and history of the game. Video analysis and feedback is a fundamental teaching tool in golf instruction from the beginner level to the experienced and advanced competitive levels. Capturing video of swing mechanics would better facilitate instructor and peer feedback for areas of improvement and skill development. To improve the learning experience and provide motivation for improvement for students in the course using formative video assessment, Senior Lecturer Peter Koutroumpis turned to DELTA and received support from an Instructional Tools Grant.
Instructional Challenges
- Maximize the utility of golf swing skill instruction using video capture in order to facilitate instructor and peer feedback and student self-reflection.
- Replace previously used external tool (getonform.com) with an NC State enterprise app, Panopto, that is supported by DELTA and offers greater accessibility and cost-effectiveness.
- Integrate Panopto video capture into the Moodle interface so that students can annotate on the screen and provide feedback, as an interactive course activity using PlayPosit, in a discussion forum.
- Captured video of students’ swing mechanics allowed the instructor to reinforce verbal and physical demonstration cues and points for correction, improvement, progression of skills practice and eventual mastery.
- Fostered an interactive feedback environment using PlayPosit and Google Slides resulted in better student engagement and learning outcomes.
- Included students in peer video capture and review helped them develop stronger tech skills, specifically in using Google Slides, Panopto and PlayPosit.
Related Links
- Spring 2022 DELTA Express Grant Recipients Announced
- DELTA Instructional Tools Grants: Efficient and Impactful
For more information about DELTA services, please contact LearnTech.