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FM 425 instructors at the feed mill for the Matterport shoot.

Project Details


  • Adam Fahrenholz, Assistant Professor of Feed Milling
  • Marissa Herchler, Area Specialized Agent, Animal Food Safety
  • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


  • Caitlin McKeown, Instructional Designer
  • Donnie Wrights, Senior Educational Media Designer
  • Arthur Earnest, Instructional Media Producer
  • Samantha McCuen, Lead Project Coordinator
  • Karen Jones
  • Andrew Wiedner


  • Matterport
  • Interactive PDF
  • Feed Mill Layout Tool
  • 360° Video


  • September 2017-September 2018

FM 425/525: Decision Tree for Model Feed Mill Development

This Blended Learning Grant incorporated virtual tours of the custom feed mill facility across multiple courses and assignments to  strengthen the connection between classes in the program. An interactive layout tool increases student engagement and enthusiasm through ownership and interaction with their own facility. Interactive PDF assignments help students with creating decision points and applications for the feed mill facility with real-world accuracy and applications.

Instructional Challenges

  • The face-to-face tour of the feed mill has limited accessibility.
  • Noise levels restrict communication.
  • Not all processes are going on at the time of a tour, limiting what students can interact with.
  • The “Build Your Own Feed Mill” assignment yielded inconsistent submissions with regard to methods and quality, making it difficult for instructors to grade on a consistent scale.
  • Time spent in-person at the mill could be used more effectively.


  • Capture the feed mill and create a virtual 3D tour with the Matterport 3D camera system, complete with color and depth to simulate a face-to-face experience where they can freely move around.
  • Include hot spot videos of different processes to make sure students are exposed to all procedures no matter when they visit in person.
  • Create 360° scans and videos to introduce students to the course and the virtual tour.
  • Develop an Interactive PDF for a decision tree to streamline the “Build Your Own Feedmill” assignment and create a more cohesive student experience. 
  • Develop a layout tool to make sure students are creating their mill in the same format while maintaining their freedom in the design process.
  • Improve the grading experience with a narrowed scope of student projects.

Related Links:

Streamlining Feed Mill Studies – DELTA News Article

Matterport VR Tour

360° Mill Introduction Video

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