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Project Details


  • Deb Littlejohn, Graphic Design, College of Design


  • Emily Ligon, Lead Instructional Designer
  • Amanda Robertson, Assistant Director, Educational Media Development
  • Meredith Laxton, Graphics, Design


  • WordPress


  • October 2013-August 2014

Graphic Design 203’s Augmented Gallery Walk

History of Graphic Design is a distance education course that also serves as a writing intensive course for North Carolina State University. To help create a more interactive, collaborative student learning experience, DELTA worked with Deb Littlejohn to create an Augmented Gallery Walk to capture design in the wild.

Instructional Challenges

To develop the augmented gallery walk, DELTA and Littlejohn wanted to address the following challenges:

  • Create an interactive experience for the students

  • Support a writing intensive course focused on design thinking

  • Provide a sense of content ownership for the students

Highlights and Solutions

To meet these instructional challenges, a WordPress site was created with the following features:

  • Student Created Posts: Students are contributors to the WordPress site. They post examples found online and in the wild about the topics they are studying and write commentary about those objects. This provides an opportunity for design thinking.

  • Searchable Tag Library: Students categorize their posts using media tags that allow other students to easily search and comment.

  • Interactive Interface: The content on the interface changes according to newest posts or category searched.


View the GD 203 Augmented Gallery

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