Meet Our Faculty Fellows
Whether leading workshops on NC State’s campus, sharing best practices via articles or presenting at conferences, the DELTA Faculty Fellows are building a stellar reputation.
Faculty Fellows grant recipients must be faculty members (non-tenure or tenured/tenure-track) at North Carolina State University who have been employed at the university for at least five years. DELTA Grants for Faculty Fellows are available each cycle. Those applying should expect to stay at NC State for the duration of the grant process.
Anna Gibson
Class Year: 2023-2024
Anna Gibson, assistant teaching professor in the Department of English in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Wendy Krause
Class Year: 2023-2024
Wendy Krause, associate professor in the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science in the Wilson College of Textiles.
Megan Lupek
Class Year: 2023-2024
Megan Lupek, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources in the College of Natural Resources.
Miriam Ferzli
Class Year: 2022-2024
Miriam Ferzli, teaching professor in the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Sciences.
Sarah Egan Warren
Class Year: 2022-2024
Sarah Egan Warren, teaching assistant professor at NC State’s Institute for Advanced Analytics.
Kyle Bunds
Class Year: 2022-2024
Kyle Bunds, associate professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management in the College of Natural Resources.
Carrol Warren
Class Year: 2022-2023
Carrol Warren, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development in the College of Education.
Michelle Falter
Class Year: 2021-2023
Michelle Falter, assistant professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences in the College of Education.
Claire Gordy
Class Year: 2021-2023
Claire Gordy, teaching assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Sciences.
Bevin Maultsby
Class Year: 2021-2023
Bevin Maultsby, teaching associate professor and administrator for distance education in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Sciences.
Sarah Khan
Class Year: 2021-2023
Sarah Khan, teaching associate professor in the Business Management Department in the Poole College of Management.
Michelle Bartlett
Class Year: 2020-2022
Social: @drmbartlett
Michelle Bartlett, Ph.D., is a faculty scholar at the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research at NC State University. Michelle received her Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership with a cognate in Statistics at Clemson University.
Elaine Bohórquez
Class Year: 2020-2022
Elaine Bohórquez is a Teaching Associate Professor in charge of the general physiology and pathophysiology courses for the Physiology Graduate Program. Her interests include identifying and developing best practices to improve graduate biomedical education.
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Lina Battestilli
Class Year: 2020-2022
Lina Battestilli is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science( CS). Her research is in Computer Science Education and broadening participation in computer science. In 2018, she flipped an introductory programming course and has engaged in research to evaluate the effectiveness of this course redesign.
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Christine Cranford
Class Year: 2020-2022
Christine Cranford is a Senior Instructor in the Department of English, where she teaches technical and professional courses online. Christine is passionate about creating quality online learning experiences that enable students to develop workplace writing skills.
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Julianne Treme
Class Year: 2020-2022
Social: @NCSUAgvocates
Julianne Treme is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. She teaches both face-to-face and online courses and her online course has earned a Quality Matters certification. As a DELTA Faculty Fellow, she is using her knowledge of learning technologies to help students and faculty find success in an online learning environment.
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Annette Moore
Class Year: 2019-2021
Annette Moore is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Moore continually revises her courses, particularly adding and refining tools to help students get hands-on with course materials both inside and outside the classroom.
James McConnell
Class Year: 2018-2020
Social: @jamesmc1996
Senior Lecturer James McConnell has taught Spanish at NC State since 2005 and online courses since 2006. In addition, he runs a summer study abroad program in Segovia, Spain. He has a thirst for new technology and loves sharing what he learns with others, both students and colleagues.
Dr. Justin Post
Class Year: 2018-2020
Justin Post is a Teaching Associate Professor and the Director of Online Education in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. Teaching and curriculum have always been his passion. Justin teaches undergraduate and graduate courses – including both traditional, flipped, hybrid, and completely online courses.
Dr. Melissa Ramirez
Class Year: 2018-2020
Social: @NCStateMicrobe
Dr. Ramirez is a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. Her areas of teaching include General Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, and Immunology. Her research is focused on defining best practices to enhance inclusion in life sciences education.
Dr. Stacy Supak
Class Year: 2018-2020
Social: @StacySupak
Stacy Supak is a Teaching Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University. Starting in 2014, she’s held an appointment within the Center for Geospatial Analytics, where she teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses on Geospatial Information Science.
Dr. Angie Smith
Class Year: 2017-2019
Social: @ncsuangie
Teaching Associate Professor Angie Smith has taught online since completing her Ph.D. in Counselor Education in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development …
Dr. Amanda Ross Edwards
Class Year: 2016-2018
Social: @amandaredwards
Dr. Amanda Ross Edwards has taught distance education courses for more than a decade. Since her online teaching journey began in 2003, she has learned a great deal about what students want and expect from …
Dr. Michael Kanters
Class Year: 2016-2018
Social: @michaelkanters
Dr. Michael Kanters knows how to appreciate the good and learn from the bad. One of three DELTA Faculty Fellows selected in the 2016-17 cycle as the second cohort, Kanters understands the risks and benefits …
Carolyn Quarterman
Class Year: 2016-2017
Social: @eslcq
Faculty Fellow Carolyn Quarterman considers herself a DELTA workshop junkie. Forming relationships with DELTA staff over the years, she has attended a number of workshops and received endless advice and instruction from the university’s online …
Dr. Kimberly Allen
Class Year: 2015-2017
Social: @drkimallen
One reason Allen was drawn to the Faculty Fellows opportunity was to connect with faculty who were doing similar things in the classroom. Allen has a student-centered approach and was sure other faculty members outside her department …
Dr. Maria Gallardo-Williams
Class Year: 2015-2017
Social: @Teachforaliving
Dr. Maria Gallardo-Williams is the epitome of a satisfied DELTA partner! “The large course redesign grant experience literally changed the direction of my scholarship,” she said. Her gratitude and desire to share outcomes …
Dr. Edwin Lindsay
Class Year: 2015-2017
Social: @Dr_Ed_Lindsay
Coming into his role as a Faculty Fellow, Lindsay said he had “no idea the impact would be as big as it has been. It is having a positive impact for faculty.” Lindsay discussed how using technology has been a great …