Where do you need to go?
Continue reading to find addresses and directions for DELTA offices across campus. Visit a location’s section to see more detailed directions and maps. See DELTA Classrooms for a list of locations optimized for online and distance education video and audio production.
Select a location below to learn more:
Center for Technology and Innovation
1010 Main Campus Drive
Center for Technology and Innovation, Suite 220
Raleigh, NC 27695
Directions from Western Boulevard:
- Turn onto Avent Ferry from Western Blvd.
- Turn left at the 2nd stoplight onto Varsity Drive (0.5 miles).
- Take the fourth right onto Main Campus Drive. The Center for Technology and Innovation (CTI) is on the corner of Research and Main Campus drives.
- If you have an NC State permit, there are some spaces available in the vicinity.
- Anyone (employee or visitor) is allowed to park in the designated handicap spaces with a valid handicap permit.
- If you do not have an NC State permit, you may park in one of the Centennial Campus Pay Lots (debit and credit cards only):
- Partners Way Deck on Partners Way
- Poulton Deck across the street from the James B. Hunt Library
- Capability Lot on Capability Drive
- Enter the CTI building from Main Campus Drive (and go to the second floor), Suite 220.
- Please talk with your contact at DELTA prior to arriving for specific directions.
DELTA Testing Services
Testing Services are located at Cox Hall (Main Campus) and Venture IV (Centennial Campus). Visit the DELTA Testing Services pages for Cox Hall and Venture IV to schedule exams and to find contact information.
Cox Hall address:
2700 Stinson Drive
Cox Hall, Room 205
Raleigh, NC 27607
Venture IV address:
1730 Varsity Drive
Venture IV, Suite 236
Raleigh, NC 27695
Video Communication Services: Main Campus
There are two Video Communication Services locations on Main Campus. For more information, contact DELTA Video Communication Services Director Tony Pearson at tony_pearson@ncsu.edu or 919.515.1868.
Ricks Addition address:
1 Lampe Drive
Ricks Hall, Rooms 130 and 150
Raleigh, NC 27695
Park Shops address:
101 Current Dr., Room 120
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27607
We recommend parking in either the Dan Allen parking deck or the Coliseum parking deck on Cates Drive and either riding a bus or walking to Ricks Hall or Park Shops.
Video Communication Services: Centennial Campus
There is one Video Communication Service location on Centennial Campus. For more information, contact DELTA Video Communication Services Director Tony Pearson at tony_pearson@ncsu.edu or 919.515.1868.
Monteith Engineering Research Center address:
2410 Campus Shore Dr, Suite 315
Raleigh, NC 27606
DELTA Classrooms
The following classrooms are set up specifically for online and distance education video and audio production.
Fill out the DELTA classroom request form to use one of the following spaces.
DELTA Classrooms (for instruction):
- 111 Lampe Drive, Room 327
- 111 Lampe Drive, Room 331
- 1230 EB II, Centennial
- 406 Mann Hall
- 313 MRC, Centennial
- 130 Park Shops
- 202 Poe Hall
- 145 Ricks Hall – Mini-Studio for Lecture Capture
- 132 Winston Hall
- 125 Withers Hall
Production Suites (for video production):
- 120B Park Shops – Edit Suite
- 120D Park Shops – Edit Suite
- 132 Park Shops – Edit Suite and Studio Control
- 132C Park Shops – Digital Media Studio
Videoconferencing rooms:
- 133 Ricks Hall