BIT 410: Enhancing Access to Science Through Equitable Online Education (EASEE)
BIT 410: Manipulation of Recombinant DNA is a lab-based course in which students gain experience in molecular biology and protein chemistry topics including DNA cloning, PCR, protein purification, protein detection, mammalian cell culture and more. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted essential lab access for the course. Instructors Carlos Goller and Stefanie Chen from the College of Sciences and Melissa Srougi in the College of Veterinary Medicine needed to redesign the existing lab experience into an immersive, online lab environment that would provide as many learning opportunities as an in-person lab environment. A virtual lab environment would also make the course more accessible and equitable for future students to participate.
To accomplish this, the instructors turned to DELTA by applying for a Course Design Grant with the goal of restructuring an in-person lab for an online environment. The course redesign was synergized with an existing 2020 DELTA Exploratory Grant that created virtual laboratory experiences. Ultimately, an engaging and accessible online version of BIT 410 would benefit students at NC State representing over 80 academic programs and 8 colleges, as well as students whose institutions may not offer training in molecular biology.
Instructional Challenges
- Convert a fully-in person lab-based course into a virtual experience while considering the limitations of such a format for students.
- Design a framework to benefit the online and traditional BIT 410 sections that provides equitable access (e.g., Universal Design for Learning) and flexibility for students.
- Develop and implement an online course based on Quality Matters (QM) standards, and with the addition of engaging multimedia features and tools, such as the course roadmap and the banner carousel.
- Created a lab with a nonlinear design, allowing students to navigate between stations in the lab to complete tasks in their own order. The design allows students to experiment with different ways to complete tasks, resulting in more learning opportunities.
- Developed the online course using Quality Matters standards, incorporating more engaging multimedia features and tools. The course received QM certification in 2022.
- Created an online course scaffolding that is easily modified by new and returning instructors to keep the course current with changes in biotechnology.
Related Links
- Summer Shorts Supports Faculty Exploring Instructional Technologies
- Experimenting in the Lab Sandbox
- QM Certification for BIT 410: Manipulation of Recombinant DNA
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